Simply Theatre Blog

Gaining life skills and self confidence from acting classes.

The life skills developed in acting and performing arts classes take children further than just the stage and screen. Children who attend acting classes refine their kinesthetic skills, artistic development abilities, cognitive skills, as well as their social and interpersonal communication skills.

Acting classes help children improve their self-confidence and public speaking skills. Children who attend courses in acting are skilled at working in groups and cooperative learning activities. These children use self-discipline, accept feedback easily, and think creatively.

How will all this affect your child? When your child is in school and has to complete a group project, he/she will be better at listening to the other group members and completing the assignment through a consensus-based approach. When the next presentation is assigned, your child will have the self-confidence and vocal control to deliver a speech that will engage the audience. Later on down the road, when your child is ready to start a career, he/she will be prepared for interviews, team projects, and communicating effectively with his or her team.

Please click here for an article from WHO Communications on the benefits of drama for young people.